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Articles tips news and leading industry trends for review approval and collaboration

5 Tips When Hiring Freelancers

As a freelance editor working in London for the past ten years, I’ve experienced my fair share of...

What’s in my bag? Video gear essentials when shooting and editing on the road

Before we start with "What’s in my bag", we need to start with the why.  

I’m a filmmaker who...

Debunking the 180-degree shutter rule

Spend some time in Facebook groups or forums on filmmaking and video production, and someone will...

How to create your video production dream team

It’s an exciting time to be a video creator – every business needs video and the democratization...

Top 9 Video Challenges – Experts Spill the Beans

We’re two months in 2018, and video marketing has no intention of slowing down.

82% of businesses

Wipster meets Slack: a perfect match

When it comes to productivity and collaboration, Slack is a bona fide hero. Its real-time team...

Facebook Video Ads Checklist: Double Your ROI

You’re scrolling through your Facebook Newsfeed when you suddenly come across an ad.

You ignore...

8 Tips to Get Your Clients Using Review and Approval Software

Bouncing between private YouTube links and email threads isn’t exactly paradise. And when video...

Supercharge Your Video Collaboration

I remember my first major collaboration. It was for the end of our documentary, #standwithme. We...

Think your video is finished? Think again

Once you’ve written, filmed, edited, reviewed, categorized, tagged and published your video, it can...