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Articles tips news and leading industry trends for review approval and collaboration

Posts about

Review and Approval

6 Practical Tips for Giving Feedback and Collaborating on Video

Are you kicking off a new video project, but you're not a video professional yourself? Then it's...

Wipster Wraps up 2023 with Multiple Recognitions from Gartner

We're wrapping up 2023 with great reviews from our users and accolades from the Gartner Digital...

8 Tips to Get Your Clients Using Review and Approval Software

Bouncing between private YouTube links and email threads isn’t exactly paradise. And when video...

If that Pepsi spot had been through a review and approval process...

After seeing a few days of backlash towards the latest Pepsi commercial, we thought it was time...

Dropbox partners with Wipster

Why did Wipster partner With Dropbox? 

Dropbox is a leading, connected workspace that allows you to...

Using Wipster: Best Sharing Practices

A contractor. Your client. Your team. You’ve got dozens of different projects and sharing...

Collaborate in the Cloud with the Wipster Review Panel for Adobe

In case you were wondering, the “WIP” in Wipster stands for Work-In-Progress.

Five Steps For Effective Feedback

Are you a post-production professional finding yourself drowning in endless feedback loops? I...

Top 10 Tips When Giving Creative Feedback

The Video Reviewer’s Guide

Giving clear, constructive feedback on your video will help keep your...

How Efficient Review Improves Your Bottom Line

A lot of Wipster customers ask us how they can make their review process more efficient, so they...